Checklist for Selecting the Best School in Gurugram

Schools in Gurugram are going to open very soon. If you are a parent, concerned about your child’s learning and growth, you must have already started looking for the best school in Gurgaon for your little one. But we are sure there are a lot of things that must be running through your mind and you must be feeling a bit confused with so many options of good schools in Gurgaon. Read this article to get a checklist of things to consider when finalizing the right school in Gurgaon for your child. We’ll not be talking about the obvious but things that matter to you the most.
1. Safety
Safety of your child comes above everything else. The top school in Gurugram is one which has its safety features in place. So, take care of the below points.
- Safe Campus Design
- CCTV with No Blind Spots
- Safe Railings
- Switches at Maximum Height
- 3rd Party Verification of Staff
- Access Control in Elevators
- Minimal Mixing of Age Groups
- No projectors & Darkening of classrooms
- Location- No Highway Driving
- Firefighting Equipment on all floors
2. Health
We all want to give the best of education to our children, but it should not come at the cost of their health. Lack of sleep due to early morning school timings, heavy bags, eyesight problems due to improper lighting in the classrooms are some of the problems parents face whose children are studying in various schools in Gurugram. So, keep the below pointers in mind -
- Fresh Air System
- 2 Stage Air Purification System
- Flexible Timings
- “No Glare” Classrooms with Large Windows
- Classroom lighting design as per Day & Night Analysis
- Special Health & Wellness Programme
- Low Noise Daiken VRV X AC Unit
- Daily Physical Activity (Full Day)
3. Teachers
The crux of good schooling lies in inculcation of sound values and quality education – which is made possible if the school has good teachers. So, ensure the below points when shortlisting the Gurgaon school.
- Professional Recruitment
- Regular Training of Teachers
- Ready to use Lesson plans
- Regular Quality Checks
- Visiting Faculty from across the country
- Mother Teacher Programme
4. Curriculum
The Curriculum is considered the heart of any learning institution. So make sure it meets the learning requirements of your child.
- No Hassles of Homework, Extra Curricular & Coaching Requirements (Full Day)
- Flexible Time Table for your Child (Full Day)
5. 21st century skills
These are the skills required for the future
- Special Focus on Reading
- Spoken English Programme
- Value Based Programme
- Critical thinking programme
- Supplemented with own Books
- Understanding of Technology
- Special Sports Curriculum
- Parent Participation Programme
6. Preschool facilities
Early years are the most important and due consideration must be given while designing the pre-primary wing of the school in Gurgaon you are considering.
- Flexible Classrooms
- Sinks in Classrooms
- Cushioned Flooring
- Variety of Furniture
- Plenty of Display Materials
- Safe Lockers in Classrooms
- Child Friendly Washrooms
- Dedicated Library
- Handrails in Staircases
7. Management
You know that your child is in good hands if the Management of the school is solid and you are satisfied regarding the below factors.
- Years of Experience
- Awards
- Respect in the Sector
- Trustworthiness
8. Infrastructure
You can book a tour of the Gurgaon school you are considering for your child and check it’s infrastructure for the below facilities.
- 21st Century Ready
- Wi fi Enabled Campus
- Library as a Learning Hub
- TV Recording Studio
- Audio Recording Studio
- Live Streaming TV School Channel
- Robotics Lab
- Outdoor Classrooms
- IT Enabled School
9. Fee
You should look for a school in Gurugram with an affordable fee structure that fits your pocket.
- Value for Money with no Hidden charges
- Reasonable Pricing of Books & Uniforms
- Reasonable Annual Increments
10. Added Benefits
- All India Transfer Option
- Part Time Boarding Option
Choosing a school for your child is an important decision - so make sure you select nothing but the best school in Gurgaon. Your child deserves it and it’s going to have a huge impact on his/her life. This checklist is all you need to choose the best Gurugram School. Good luck.
SHEMFORD Futuristic School, Gurugram, is a one-of-its-kind school. It is the Flagship Sr. School Branch of SHEMROCK & SHEMFORD Group of Schools – one of South Asia’s Fastest Growing School Chains with 30 years of experience, 650+ Branches & 4,00,000 Alumni across India, Nepal & Bangladesh.
We would love to show you around the school and we are sure you will like our futuristic infrastructure designed for the kids and families of the 21st century.
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