Best Preschool in Gurgaon: SHEMFORD Futuristic School

Preschool in Gurgaon: Choosing the Best for Your Child's Early Education

The early years of childhood are the most crucial years with 90% of the brain development happening in the first five years of life. It is thus important to enroll your child in a good preschool that provides the right environment and opportunities to stimulate their curious minds. Getting your child admitted to the best preschool in Gurgaon is the first step towards giving them a sound foundation for life. 

Preschool in Gurgaon - Shemford

The Importance of Preschool Education

* Social Skills – In a preschool environment, children interact, share, and cooperate with peers helping them develop social skills.

* Language Development – Through engaging activities that build vocabulary and communication skills, children develop language proficiency.

* Cognitive Skills – Basic concepts of math, science, and problem-solving taught in a preschool setting enhance cognitive skills in children.

* Emotional Growth – Children learn to understand and manage their emotions in a structured environment of a preschool.

* Independent Responsibility –  By encouraging children to complete tasks and make decisions on their own, a preschool promotes independence and responsibility in children.

What to Look for in a Preschool in Gurgaon?

Choosing one of the top preschool in Gurgaon for your little one involves thorough research and evaluating the facilities available. 

* Curriculum and Teaching Methodology

* Teacher Qualifications

* Safety and Hygiene

* Infrastructure and Facilities

* Parental Involvement

* Location and Convenience

Why Choose SHEMFORD Futuristic School for Preschool in Gurgaon?

* Holistic Curriculum

SHEMFORD is known for its holistic learning model that has been carefully designed, targeting the sensory and motor skills, as well as personal and social skills of young children. Our carefully designed in-house curriculum is meant to promote the overall development in children, while imparting lessons in a fun and engaging way. The special learning areas in our school are designed to supplement what is being taught in the class and make it more engaging and interesting. We believe in the Montessori style of teaching with more emphasis on hands-on learning. Our pretend play and activity rooms are where children explore their imaginative side and develop their ability to think and execute. We focus on instilling the right values and virtues in our children right from the early years. Each month, children undertake various activities related to the ‘Values of the Month’ which are based on the core values of our society such as respect, honesty, cooperation, affection, sharing, etc. 

* Experienced Educators

We have a highly motivated and professional team of teachers, who are dynamic, caring, dedicated & competent to teach our children with utmost patience and understanding. Moreover, they provide security & warmth to the children by creating a friendly atmosphere, in which they can express themselves freely. To ensure a healthy teacher-child bridge, all classes have an assistant teacher who progresses through the school years along with the class. Furthermore, special trainings are held for the teachers to enhance their professional expertise by upgrading their knowledge & skills, which in turn helps them to nurture our little ones in a better way 

* Safe and Stimulating Environment

SHEMFORD provides a very safe and cheerful environment for the children, paving the way for their joyful learning and development. Minutest details like choice of the colour palette and the graffiti on the walls have been given due attention to foster best learning outcomes in children. Our endeavour is to infuse love and care into all aspects of learning, so that every day turns into a wonderful learning experience. We make sure that the children are given immense happiness, complete freedom and the required encouragement & guidance, so that their young minds grow and blossom in the fun environment of our school.

* Innovative Learning Techniques

At SHEMFORD, we guide and nurture little children to become smart, active and independent. We take the role of your partners in parenting, motivating your children to reach their full potential. Our classrooms are equipped with interactive Smart Boards, also known as electronic whiteboards. They are powerful teaching-learning tools that allow images from a computer screen to be displayed onto a classroom board using a digital projector. The use of Smart Board technology ensures better learning outcomes as teachers and students “interact” with the images directly on the screen using a tool or even a finger.

* Comprehensive Development

Our well-conceptualized and mindful curriculum aims at inculcating a genuine love for learning in children. Our comprehensive lesson plans focus on the all-round development of young minds. Unlike a regular preschool, we go way beyond the basic knowledge of letters and numbers and focus on important life skills and value education. We have a Multimedia Studio and various activity rooms like Zumba & Aerobics studios with cushioned floor and variable lighting. There is an acoustic practice room where students can pursue their passion for music. In order to encourage art as a form of expression, we have an Art Room & Art Gallery, where children can explore their creative side. We also give special emphasis on sports and outdoor play.

* Parental Involvement

At SHEMFORD, we believe in the ‘Impact of Parental Participation on Students’ Learning Outcome’. SYNERGY – Our special and unique parent participation programme helps us in nurturing our children. The word Synergy literally means ‘coming together of two distinct influences for a common purpose’. As a SHEMFORD parent, you shall be a part of Synergy and you will be invited to attend various parent participation programmes, including workshops, performances, parents and grandparents volunteering opportunities, etc. Attending programmes like these will not only enhance your parenting skills, but will also give you an opportunity to contribute towards building your child’s self-confidence & self esteem, as she feels loved and cared for.  Further, attending Synergy Programmes results in bridging the communication gap between the home and the school. As a result, both work in tandem which ensures that our children are better understood and they receive a healthy and a positive environment both at school and at home. 

Educating a child is a huge responsibility and privilege. We, at SHEMFORD, take pride in giving students an inspiring and supportive environment that promotes a love for lifelong learning and inspires them to remain curious and motivated.