Privacy Policy

The web site is owned and maintained by Shemford Group of Schools. We hereby declare the ways in which the information will be collected from the website will be used in the best possible and correct way.

All personal information collected on the site in the form of queries or emails will be protected. The information may contain the names, addresses or any other personal information of the sender of the mail or query. Under no conditions would the information or any part of it be revealed to any other source or agency.

Our secure system allows total security of the data and the correct use of information. The visitors may be at ease to browse the website and use the information. However, the information on the website is protected and cannot be used without permission.

Any visitor that visits the site must abide by the rules and regulations, as have been mentioned in Terms and Conditions, as well as those pertaining to the Copyright Laws and laws enforceable in the Republic of India.

We welcome visitors and it is our pleasure to provide you a useful online resource. We are liable to the original content and inputs that have come from our team and supporters. However, there are studies and excerpts that have been taken from different sources, often quoted. We do not bear any liability against the damage or inconvenience caused due to the same information or data.

SHEMFORD Group of Schools bears the propriety rights of the site. Copyright Laws protects the content on the site. Reproducing or using the data or any other information is not allowed without seeking prior permission. The data includes the text, graphics, photographs, audio and other elements protected by the law. The visitor may access and use the information for personal awareness, but not for any commercial purpose.

Also, there are external links and references that the visitor may find on the site. These external resources are not owned by the organization and therefore we are not liable in case there is any issue of the visitor suffering from inconvenience.

In case you want to communicate anything, please send your query at